Coaching Scholarship
Waiting List

The official waiting list for qualified applicants waiting to be awarded a coaching scholarship.

Note: You must login to access purchased courses.  


Starting date

April 17th, 2023


BRIDE Ministries International


16 hours
32 minutes


6-9 months
Coaching Contract dependent upon your completion


with qualifying financial documentation

About the course

This course IS the application that qualifies & prepares you to receive free coaching! 

We understand here at BRIDE Ministries that financial strain can get in the way of receiving needed services, including educational content that helps equip people into mindsets that understand and cope with the day-to-day portions of the healing journey. This new Scholarship Program provides educational & service resources, dynamically meeting needs in a more effective way!

Financial Need

You will submit documentation of financial need. This will include you most recent years completed tax form containing the AGI (adjusted gross income). Financial need will determine continued enrollment into the course materials. 

Deliverance Portal

Introduction to the Deliverance Portal and its assessments comes with mandatory journaling. Entries are submitted and provided to coaches as background history and documentation. 

Learning Content

Understanding the dynamics surrounding a unique healing journey the progression towards healing and victory. Educational content and case study podcasts are coupled with mandatory journaling offer more coach and client insight. 

Course Lessons

Daniel Duval, Executive Director

Dan Duval has more than 10 years' experience working with survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control. He has successfully trained others to understand and implement his powerful and fruitful prayer-coaching strategies. His coaching is based on a deep understanding of identity in Jesus Christ and how to walk in the good works we are call to by His grace.